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Why LBQ+ Women?

At LesbianGlobal, our mission is deeply rooted in the belief that every lesbian, bisexual, and queer (LBQ+) woman deserves to live a life free from violence, discrimination, and coercion. Our commitment is driven by the countless stories of resilience and courage shared by LBQ+ women worldwide.

But their stories remain unheard. Their struggles often exist outside traditional women's rights and LGBT rights' frameworks. 

Today, we tell their stories.

The Reality of Coercive Practices

Many LBQ+ women face extreme societal and familial pressure to conform to heterosexual standards, leading to forced marriages and a denial of autonomy.

Amani, a lesbian activist from Tunisia, shared her heartbreak:

"In June 2021, my girlfriend's parents refused to let her leave the house and pushed her to marry a man. They ultimately succeeded. She left me. This was not the first time a woman I loved was coerced into marriage. Because I am not a man, I am never seen as 'enough' for the woman I love."

📌 Did You Know?

According to Human Rights Watch, forced marriage is one of the top ten human rights violations affecting LBQ+ women. However, most research and policy work on forced marriage ignores queer women entirely.


This silence must end.

Challenging Gender Norms
Facing Backlash

Queer women are often punished for defying gender roles. Masculine-presenting women, in particular, face disproportionate violence for failing to conform.

Sofía Blanco, an indigenous land defender from Mexico, describes the backlash LBQ+ women face:

"There are specific types of violence that target queer women, even when we’re closeted. Machorra—that’s the Spanish version of dyke. Men don’t like it when I move on my own, when I don’t seek their approval. If we don't aim to please them, they call us violent.

We make men angry."

💡 Fact: According to Human Rights Watch, LBQ+ women in countries like El Salvador, Indonesia, Kenya, and Kyrgyzstan report that simply dressing in a masculine way leads to threats, job discrimination, and even police violence.

What We Fight For?

📍 Forced marriages of LBQ+ women.
📍 Denied land, housing, and property rights.
📍 Workplace discrimination and violence.
📍 Coercion into heterosexual family structures.
📍 Denied parental rights and adoption rights.
📍 Lack of access to gender-sensitive mental health care.
📍 Limited freedom of movement and public safety risks.
📍 Police violence and criminalization of gender expression.
📍 Lack of legal protections as human rights defenders.
📍 Limited access to justice and legal representation.

👉 This report from Human Rights Watch was made possible by LesbianGlobal.

group of colorful women
🚨 The 10 Most Urgent Human Rights Violations Against LBQ+ Women

Amani, lesbian activist, Tunisia

" I think one queer woman’s story can change those that come after it. That is why I agreed to talk to you, to tell you what happened."

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